Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Liebster Award!

Whoops! I have been slacking just a little on my blog! Mainly because my hubby has been gone and I was super sick all last week! But enough excuses! 
I was nominated by the sweetest girl Brooke at Pieces of the Reese Life for the Liebster award! (Thanks Brooke!) Y'all need to check her blog out if you haven't already! Her hubby and her travel all over the world and she is a new mommy to be... Plus she is just beyond gorgeous! 
I love things like this so I couldn't help myself... Here it goes:

- Thank the person who nominated you and link them in your post.
- Tell 11 facts about yourself 
- Answer the 11 questions provided by the person who nominated you
- Choose 11 blogs you like and link them in your profile
- Write 11 questions for these bloggers to answer
- Go to their page and let them know you nominated them.

11 facts about ME!

1. I have some very serious BABY FEVER, and my husband has had baby fever for a while!

2. I love coming from a huge family and I want a big family of my own one day!

3. I could eat avocado with lime juice for every meal of every day if I could!

4. My favorite type of food is Mexican food or Hibachi!

5. I need pictures of EVERYTHING! I am unapologetically one of those people!

6.  My favorite thing to cook would probably be Creamy Chicken and Dumplings or basically anything in the Crockpot! I really really LOVE to cook!

7.  My mom discovered my name while watching the show cheers! (Kelsey Grammer) 

8. My favorite month is February because of my birthday and Valentines day!

9. I met my husband when I was only 15 years old!

10. I would monogram everything I own if I could.

11. My husband and I already have the coolest baby names picked out.

11 Questions for me.

1. What is your favorite blog?
- The HONEYBEE by Andee Layne

2. Do you prefer Lifestyle, Style or Food blogs?
- All three! I like blogs that are a little bit of everything!

3. What is your favorite fashion statement out right now?
- Definitely would have to be all the faux fur!

4. What is one of your favorite days?
- I am assuming that this means day of the week... And that's easy! Sunday, because it's a day to just relax and spend with your loved ones!

5. What are your 2014 goals?
- For my husband and I to find a church we love and go every Sunday that he is home. And just continue to make memories as husband and wife!

6. Favorite piece of jewelry?
- My wedding ring, always!  I still love it just as much as the first day I saw it!

7.  What's your favorite clothing store?
-ASOS! They have the cutest stuff!

8. What is one thing you will teach/ tell your children?
- I will try my best to make sure they are aware of how blessed they are.

9. What's one thing you have always wanted to do?
- like I said in a previous post, I have always wanted to travel since I was a little girl. Both within the United States and to other countries!

10. Would you sky dive?
- yes! My husband has done it before and he loved it!

11. What is the best place you have visited?
- I think New York City! I have been dying to go back!

blogs I like

Casey at Casey Accaputo's blog
Andee at the HONEYBEE
Casey at Casey Holmes
The HALLway
Andie at Love Andie Beauty

My 11 questions for you!

1. What's your favorite type of food?
2. What is your favorite childhood memory?
3. What's your favorite meal to cook?
4. What is your favorite article of clothing?
5. Beach vacation or Snowy getaway?
6. What is your dream job?
7. What is the best place you've visited?
8. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
9. Favorite pair of shoes?
10. Online shopping or In person?
11. Favorite Restaurant?

Thanks for reading! -Kelsey


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