Tuesday, November 10, 2015

6 months preggers!!!!

(I have made this dress my "official baby bump dress" because it shows it most acuratly.) 

How far along: 
24 weeks

Size of babies: ears of corn!

Babies' size and weight: 8.5 inches & 1 1/2 lbs 

My total weight gain: 24.8 lbs! Yay!! I met the goal of 24 lbs by 24 weeks which means my chances of pre-term labor have gone down a ton! I feel so huge but mostly because I still refuse to buy legit maternity clothes besides the jeans and leggings I had to have. But my tops are just mostly big flowy tunic-type shirts that I had before pregnancy so they're not very flattering! its just hard to spend money on clothes that I know I'll only get a few months use of! 

Babies' development: they can hear everything now and their little beautiful faces are almost fully formed.

Stretch marks: still clear... For now! 

Wedding Ring: Same thing. Band fits but it's hard to take off so I'm not wearing it anymore. It was right to begin with because it was a half size smaller but my diamond ring fits just fine still.

Belly Button: In still, well it's starting to flatten out. 

Maternity clothes: Haven't bought anymore just trying to work with what I've got for as long as I can.

Gender: GIRL & BOY 

Movement: Constantly! I can feel everything from kicks, punches, rolls and turns. I am so so so in love!!!!

Sleep: my sleep schedule is super messed up but mostly because my husband is in Asia so I set alarms to FaceTime him when he gets off work.

What I miss: I do miss wearing normal clothes and not being so heavy!! But it's all worth it for my babies I love the fact that my body is their home and where they are growing and getting prepared to enter the world and I know 100% I will miss having them this close. Everything they need, my body supplies it for them and that is a beautiful thing! I am just ready to hold & kiss them already! Not complaining though I have been super blessed with an easy pregnancy! 

Food cravings: spicy anything!!! 

Symptoms: nothing besides the kicks and movement. Oh and the back and rib aches.

Nursery: the nursery is still a hot mess but we have the cribs & some wall decor... and a wonderful/ talented little lady is coming to paint next month!! I am so excited to have it all put together!

Casey is: he loves touching my belly and feeling them kick, and he's been so helpful with everything that needs to be done! Love that man with all I am I couldn't have asked for a better person to be parents with!!!

What I'm looking forward to: thanksgiving!!! One of my favorite holidays! And our 3D/ 4D sonogram in a few weeks!!

Best moments: the kicks and being able to see my tummy move when I'm laying down!