Hello & HAPPY EASTER LOVES!! I am so happy that my husband was here today to celebrate with me! We spent all day with his and my family and it couldn't have been better! SO much BBQ was eaten, I am currently in a severe food coma! I pretty much spent all weekend eating horribly unhealthy food, I am so ready to get back into my regular eating habits and back in the gym! We only have 11 weeks until vacation so I better step it up!
On another note, we made our weekly trip out to our house on Friday, so I wanted to share the few pictures I took. They have the roof covered, and more of the custom ceilings done. The back patio was covered and the outdoor fireplace was framed up! Every week gets more and more exciting! Pretty soon we will be picking out all the little details! My husband leaves back to work in a week and it's hard to believe that next time he's home we're going to watch my little cousin graduate and the next time after that when he comes home our house should be DONE!
ok, Enough blabbering, here are the pictures:
Sweet, handsome husband of mine.
I got super lucky in the mother in law department! She is truly amazing!
my cutie pie niece & nephews
casey is just a little too big for that go kart but that didn't stop him. LOL
^indoor fireplace is framed
^ "barrel" ceiling in the kitchen^
^outdoor fireplace in the making^
I thank God everyday for blessing me with much more than I deserve! Always remember what Easter is truly about, count your blessings & make your blessings count!
"For GOD so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
John 3:16