I found out the day before at our weekly doctors appointment that we would induce the next morning because we had been monitoring Baby A (Knox) closely for those last few weeks and his placenta was starting to break down and he wasn't growing at as fast of pace as Baby B (Eleanor). We got to the hospital at 6 am and they hooked me up pretty much right away and started the induction process. My dr tried to break my water for twin A at 9 am and was unable to so he came back at noon. I wasn't in any pain whatsoever until this point even though I was having steady contractions. Breaking my water was so uncomfortable and painful and after that the contractions got long and strong FAST!! I knew I wanted an epidural but for some reason i thought that the epidural would wear off if I got it too soon, I didn't know i would have a button to press and give myself more. So for 3 hours I was in agonizing pain from my contractions! When they got to be one minute apart and I didn't even have time to breathe between them, I was begging for the epidural. I think I buzzed the nurse at least six times and made my husband go look for her (whoops lol) the epidural was nothing I guess because I was so focused on my contractions and kept telling myself that huge needle was going to take away the pain. Once the epidural was in, everything was smooth sailing! Now we were just waiting for me to fully dilate so we could have the babies! I feel it happened pretty fast, before we knew it my doctor was in the room wanting me to do practice pushes and right after that Casey was getting dressed in the scrubs and they were wheeling me to the operating room. Since I was having twins it was mandatory to deliver in the OR incase it turned into an emergency c section. So unfortunately I could only have one person in the room so my photographer couldn't capture the actual birth.
Now it was time for the birth. The moment I was so terrified of from the very beginning. If labor was that painful I couldn't imagine how painful birthing these two babies would be!!! But it was a breeze!!! Lol! I pushed a few good times and out came Knox Dane Corbin at 7:41 pm he was 5 pounds and 2 ounces 17.5 inches long kicking and screaming. Then he broke my water for Twin B and just 3 short minutes later at 7:44 pm came Eleanor Elizabeth Corbin, 7 pounds 8 ounces 17.5 inches long. Both healthy and beautiful!!
Video by Samantha Roberts Photography
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